Brice Deymié translated by Sara MacVane Punishment as the proper form of justice is at the heart of our penal system, so much so that it would be difficult if not impossible to imagine any other system of justice. ...
Lire la suite...Jesus in Nazareth : A Failed Return
Mark 6, 1-6 Jacques Juillard Translation Louise Thunin Here is Jesus, unable to win over the people of his village, who go from astonishment to rejection. As for us, let us not fear to lose our bearings but rather open ...
Lire la suite...A Kingdom without glory
A Kingdom without glory Mark 4:26-29 Henri Persoz Translation Canon Tony Dickinson He said: « The Kingdom of God is like a man who sows his seed in the earth: whether he sleeps or gets up, night and day, the ...
Lire la suite...Encouraging Life
Jean-François Blancheton Translation Tony Dickinson The fiftieth anniversary of the death of Schweitzer is a good opportunity to remind ourselves of his unconditional insistence on respect for life in all its forms. This year the region of Alsace is commemorating, ...
Lire la suite...God Is Sitting There Weeping
Riensiru (Ecumenical Council of Churches) To all the weavers in the world Translation Louise Thunin God is sitting there weeping. The marvelous tapestry of creation, That She had woven so joyfully Is mutilated, torn to shreds, reduced ...
Lire la suite...A Modern Tramp
Henri Persoz Translation Louise Thunin In a busy Paris neighborhood, I noticed a tramp sitting on his mattress beneath a carriage entrance. It was probably his only home. He was surrounded by the traditional plastic bags which probably ...
Lire la suite...Can We Reconnect with Nature?
Bernard Brillet Translated by Sara MacVane The relationship between humankind and the natural world has undergone substantial changes over the course of time. First we were subject to nature, then we domesticated it, and then we tried to ...
Lire la suite...The ecumenism of martyrdom
Jean-François Colosimo Translation Canon Tony Dickinson In the tragic wars raging across the Middle East, Christians are suffering intolerable persecution, in the face of a generalised indifference which is difficult to bear. • We are all ...
Lire la suite...The diplodocus’s femur: metonymic quotations in the Bible
Michel Barlow Translation Canon Tony Dickinson In order to understand a biblical text properly, it is important to set it in context. Quoting one verse alone can induce error, especially if that verse refers to another biblical passage. In that ...
Lire la suite...William Holman Hunt : « The Light of the world » 1851-53
Gilles Castelnau Translation Canon Tony Dickinson In the mid-19th century William Holman Hunt, with a few other painters, brought into being the « Pre-Raphaelite » movement. What they wanted was to rediscover the artistic purity of the Italian primitives, before Raphael, as ...
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